2012 Presidential Election, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney

The Tools of the Tyrant Obama

Tom Freiling

Tom Freiling

Samuel Adams played a prominent role in planning and executing the Boston Tea Party. He was one of America’s original freedom fighters, and was able to articulate for the colonists the dangers associated with government tyranny. After the Tea Party, the British press urged the Patriots to give up on liberty or face certain extinction. America couldn’t survive without British resources, so it was said. But Adams warned,”How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert the plain meaning of words.”

We’re wise to heed Adams’ words again today, in the face of how Barack Obama twists events with his words. Obama (and all liberals) strangely pervert the “plain meaning” of what it means to be free. He insists our very survival is at stake, that full employment and a livable economy are only possible through more state power. These are the same tools other tyrants use to impose power on people and keep them from being free. Slavery to starvation!

Obama’s view of government is not rooted in freedom but in collectivism. He sees government as guardian of infrastructure and welfare, not as guardian of freedom. But isn’t this exactly how the British Empire saw itself? Isn’t this why and how Samuel Adams and the original Patriots dumped tea in Boston harbor?

People who experience liberty don’t often give it up. But in the perversion of Obama’s rhetoric, nearly half of our country accepts the notion that freedom is what endangers us as a people. Our job as the tea party is to remind each other, and especially others, that liberty and limited government is the only guardian to a secure future. Looking to the State for our sustenance leads only to tyranny, and tyranny by its very nature is an insecure form of government and always leads to increasing oppression and evil.

We have less than 100 days until November 6. I call it freedom’s deadline. Let’s not forget why we’re the tea party, and what we’re “called” to do and say to our fellow countryman. Obama the tyrant, get out!

Tom Freiling, Patriot Super PAC


3 thoughts on “The Tools of the Tyrant Obama

  1. Red Pill Report is proud to welcome Tom Freiling as a contributor. Tom is the Executive Director of Patriot Super PAC, a great organization dedicated to the core principles of liberty and limited government on which our country was founded. The PAC supports and helps to elect true conservatives to office.

    From his very first article, it is clear that Tom gets it! We’re honored to have him join us, and urge you to support the organization he represents. We’ve included a link to Patriot Super PAC in the Blogroll in the left column.

    Posted by Red Pill Report | August 7, 2012, 12:44 am
  2. Great article. Strange how so many years have passed since we declared our independence yet we are currently in the exact same fight…once again, with our own government.

    Posted by Cucciolo | August 7, 2012, 2:22 am
  3. Great article. Great insight.

    Posted by Leslie | August 7, 2012, 3:06 am

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"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt." -John Adams 1826


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