Barack Obama

This tag is associated with 212 posts

Obama’s need to dissemble

David Axelrod’s new book Believer—à la Eric Hoffer—paints Barack Obama as torn between his liberal ideals and lying his pants off during the 2008 election. Axelrod claims Obama always believed in redefining marriage, and that it pained Obama to be so deceptive about his real views on marriage on the campaign trail. “I’m just not … Continue reading

Obama’s golf outing after Foley beheading was a huge mistake (by Michael Goodwin, NYPost)

By Michael Goodwin, New York Post Sometimes a round of golf is just a round of golf. And sometimes it reveals the ­essence of a man. President Obama’s decision to hit the links and yuk it up with pals immediately after speaking about the beheading of James ­Foley was no ordinary mistake. Nor was it … Continue reading

Winning and losing Iraq

Megyn Kelly’s obtuse question grabs the headline, but Dick Cheney’s rationalism prevails: Saddam Hussein had a track record that nearly everybody agreed to. We had an overwhelming vote of approval from the Congress. More votes for the action than we’d had in Desert Storm some ten years before. Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, numerous others, spoke … Continue reading

Two presidents

Which president will we see next week giving the State of the Union address? “Sometimes I wrote off my own failings as just another example of the world trying to keep a black man down. I had a tendency to make excuses for me not doing the right thing. But one of the things that … Continue reading

Kill 13 Americans Receive $278,000 from Federal Govt. ‘Allahu Akbar’

‘Allahu Akbar- – God Is Great is a term Islamists use while slaughtering non-believers of Islam. Drudge Report recently ran a story stating Islamist mass murderer Nidal Hassan has been paid by The US Government $278,000 since November 5, 2009, the day when he killed 13 military and wounded 32 in a shooting that took … Continue reading

Did the ‘Brothers Rhodes’ use CBS to push Benghazi video excuse?

-by Geoff Caldwell Did White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes, use his brother David’s position as president of CBS News to push the false “it was the video” excuse within hours of the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi? It would certainly explain how barely six hours after the … Continue reading

CBS/AP story used Obama/Clinton Benghazi video excuse just hours post attack

-by Geoff Caldwell The lie put forth by President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the Benghazi terrorism of 9/11/2012 was the result of an anti-Islam YouTube video was used in a CBS/AP story posted within hours of the attack. Howard Baker’s “What did the President know and when did he know … Continue reading

Benghazi matters because character counts (or should)

-by Geoff Caldwell If the content of character of the elected leaders who occupy the offices at the highest levels of our government remains but even a scintilla of importance, than not only does the Benghazi debacle matter, it matters a lot. In the eight months since Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and … Continue reading

Author/Columnist Conservative Erik Rush joins The Wayne Dupree Show and Conservative Brotherhood 4-4

Erik Rush joined our show on Monday night as a special guest and had a lot of great information to pass off to us and you the listeners. Erik is a New York-born columnist, author and speaker who writes sociopolitical commentary for WorldNetDaily and other online and print publications. His latest book, “Negrophilia: From Slave … Continue reading

Citizen Drone: Are Obama’s kill strikes “legal, ethical and wise” or Caesar re-born?

-by Geoff Caldwell- The use of drone strikes as President Obama’s primary weapon of choice in the shall not be mentioned in his White House “war” on terror, is the unmanned drone. Under this administration drone strikes have been used more than 6 times as often in Obama’s first 4 years as compared to Bush’s 8. … Continue reading

"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt." -John Adams 1826


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